About Course

Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to the principles and applications of genetic engineering. Students will learn about gene manipulation techniques, genetic modification of organisms, and ethical considerations in genetic engineering. Through lectures, laboratory experiments, and case studies, students will gain an understanding of the potential and challenges of genetic engineering in various fields.

MODULE 1: Introduction to Genetic Engineering

Overview of genetic engineering and its applications
Historical milestones in genetic engineering
Ethical and societal implications of genetic engineering

MODULE 2: Molecular Biology Basics

Basics of molecular biology (DNA structure, replication, transcription, translation)
Techniques for gene isolation and manipulation (PCR, restriction enzymes, etc.)
Introduction to recombinant DNA technology

MODULE 3: Gene Cloning

Principles of gene cloning
Cloning vectors and host organisms
Molecular cloning techniques (plasmid DNA isolation, transformation, etc.)

MODULE 4: Genetic Modification of Organisms

Overview of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Techniques for genetic modification in plants and animals
Applications of GMOs in agriculture, medicine, and industry

MODULE 5: Gene Editing Technologies

Introduction to gene editing techniques (CRISPR-Cas9, TALENs, ZFNs)
Principles and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 technology
Ethical considerations and challenges of gene editing

MODULE 6: Synthetic Biology

Overview of synthetic biology
Design principles and techniques for engineering biological systems
Applications of synthetic biology in medicine, energy, and environmental remediation

MODULE 7: Gene Therapy

Principles of gene therapy
Types of gene therapy approaches (viral vectors, gene editing, etc.)
Clinical applications and challenges of gene therapy

MODULE 8: Genetic Engineering in Agriculture

Genetic modification of crops for improved yield, pest resistance, and nutritional value
Environmental and socio-economic impacts of genetically modified crops
Regulation of genetically modified organisms in agriculture

MODULE 9: Genetic Engineering in Medicine

Applications of genetic engineering in medicine (gene therapy, personalized medicine, etc.)
Drug development and production using biotechnology
Challenges and future prospects of genetic engineering in healthcare

MODULE 10: Industrial Biotechnology

Overview of industrial biotechnology
Production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and bioplastics using genetic engineering
Bioprocess engineering and scale-up considerations

MODULE 11: Environmental Biotechnology

Bioremediation techniques for environmental cleanup
Biodegradation of pollutants using genetically engineered microorganisms
Bio-based approaches for sustainable resource management

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